I want FOOD!!! no no...first i want to GO BACK HOME!!! n then i wanna eat!!!

i cant wait to get back home already.....but there's another 2 more months for my semester break!! :( :( :(

today i had classes from 9am to 12noon...i had 1 hour of zoology class, n 2 hours of chemistry....n wat did i learn in today's class...? i have absolutely no idea!!... i was only physically present in d class....but in my mind i was at home in Malaysia....

NOTHING went inside my head today in class....i was least bothered to even take down d class notes..... u must be wondering wat i was doing in class for 3 hours then...rite??

well...i was busy thinking about how long my break will be ( i'm gonna take extra 2 weeks off from college in june anyways...i dont care about d attendance already!! )... n then i was mentally making a list of things that i wanna do when i get back home ( which is eat, sleep, watch tv, movies, cartoons, go shopping, catch up with all my friends, drive n eat some more!!! ) n then i made a list of d food that i wanted to eat, n d places that i wanted to go to eat... hehehe.... i decided to write it down properly cos there were too many...n i didnt wanna take d risk of trying to make a mental list n forget it in d end ...hehehe

i was actually caught in d act while writting that list in class today....but not by my friend who was sitting in front of me turned behind towards d end of d hour n saw me writting non stop...she was surprised that i was taking down notes ...but then she realised that i wasnt...( who would write down names like Pizza, Nandos, Vistorian corner, Auto City, Pelita Nasi Kandar, food courts, prawns, crabs n names of chinese food for chemistry!! ahahhah!!) d list was actually longer than one whole A4 sheet... ;p

i am so bored of d food here!! there's nothing else other than indian food!! d chinese food here is nothing but indian food with so called chinese names!! d fast food is also indianized!!! n d western food is worse then lousy!!! i never thought i'd miss malaysian food so much!!

i've already started counting my days.....but d sad thing is...i have 2 more months before its time for my semester break...n i've got LOADS of assignments, due dates, tests, practicals n exams in between!!!!


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