American Idol

Just saw American Idol on tv a few minutes ago... n i was stumped...
they sang Shout to the Lord as the opening song. it was so beautiful... for those few minutes no one at home spoke... everyone was so quiet listening n singing along.

i'm not a die heart fan of American Idol... i just watch it if i happen to see it while flipping channels of while someone else is watching... so, i dont really know wats happening n all that stuff.
it sounded so nice, n it was so nice to see it in this kind of a program on tv. the host Ryan Seacrest ........ (errr... i forgot wat i wanted to write about him!!! :s d American Idol videos interrupted my flow of thought!! )

oh yea! i remembered now! He was announcing that this week alone they got some 33 million votes. so imagine how many hundreds of millions of ppl watching this show. imagine how many ppl would have heard n seen d intro song. imagine how many of them would have been believers, n how many were non believers.

I wonder how many of them were touched by that song.... i wonder how many felt that song... how many understood that song