exams over.. bored.. but busy

d day i had my last paper.. i was so dead tired! i was walking around like a zombie and practically floating about since morning cos i hadnt eaten anything properly since d day before, n i hardly slept. i thought i was gonna faint on d road while getting to college, n i wont be able to write my exam n all that crap was running in my mind.. cos i wasnt feeling well at all that day.

but as soon as d exam was over.. i was just waiting to get back home n sleep... hanged around in college for sometime.. n then got back home n went online. i only wanted to check important mails and post a very short blog.... but no! i stayed online d whole afternoon, stopped for about 15 minutes cos i had to have my bath n have a drink n that stuff, n then was online till dinner time, stopped for dinner, n then online again till nite! till my friend gave me missed calls like a zillion times! n then i had to get off d net, cos she wanted to use d net

so, thank God for her, i finally switched off my comp n went to sleep at 9.30pm... but woke up at 4am!!!!! y on earth would i wanna wake up at 4am after my exams were all over!!?? i just got used to all d tension n d waking up at 4am everyday to study thing.... even while i was sleeping, i had nitemares thinking that i was sleeping too much while i;m supposed to be studying.... i was wide awake at 4am n couldnt go back to sleep.. didnt even know wat to do at 4am d day after d exams! :S so, was walking about in my room for somtime, trying to figure out wat to do... n finally fell asleep at about 5.30am while listening to songs.. n then woke up at 9.30am.

i'd like to say that i slept for 12 hours... but i didnt! :P

n i've been busy since yesterday trying to sort out all my things n pack them up n send it home to malaysia by cargo/shipping. 3 years in India, n my things have accumulated n multiplied so much as if i've been here forever!!!

i checked out some companies who provide packing and shipping services and mailed them. one fellow got back to me d next morning giving me a quotation of RM2k for my clothes and books and accessories! n i was like 'yea rite!'

another guy called me up a few times to ask me for d exact details n promised to call back by evening.. but never got back to me till today.

in d evening yesterday, i called up d guy who quoted me for RM2k,to ask him for more details... when i asked him if he could give me some discount ... he laughed at me!!!!! wat nerve he has ! i'm d one who's paying! not him!! how dare he laugh at me like that. like i'm ever gonna give him any business after wat he did!!

tried to sort out some of my books and notes yesterday... could have finished it within 2 hours but it took me ages!! cos i was taking pics of my records and diagrams.... hahahha.....

initially i wante to keep some of my records.. wanted to pack it up n take it back home... but since d shipping thing was costing me too much.. i knew i'd get it from my mum big time if i brought back worthless books!

so, i ended up taking hundreds of pics of most of d diagrams which i had to draw throughout d 3 years...

will put it up soon.... am gonna log off n get some sleep now.. today's been a tiring day ( which i'll blog about tomrorow )... n i've got a migrain now cos of d weather n d packing n all that nonsense! :( n my room's worse than anything i or u can ever imagine of!!


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