went out to study again
we had a half an hour long discussion on where to go n study today... it's as if we made it a point to go out to study. it did help d other day, n d air con was perfect for d weather.

so we finally decided to go to Sigma Mall. its a shopping complex somewhere near by. initially d plan was to go to McD. i knew my friend wanted d burger!! hahaha... then were thinking of going to d food court in Sigma Mall... but we agreed to go to McD cos i knew she wanted to go there.

we went to McD... no no, i went in to McD first cos my friend was busy hanging on d phone ( as usual...), n then she came in after a few minutes.. n she saw so many ppl... i walked in first n i didnt see any of my college mates! so we had to change place...

we went to d food court in d 3rd floor. you wouldnt believe it.. we took like 15 mintues to decide where to sit! i wanted to sit in one place, my friend didnt agree. she wanted to sit somewhere, i didnt agree, cos it was rite in front of d tv.. all she'll do is stare at it!!

n then we sat at a table where there was no air con.. wat's d point of sitting there without air con if we took d effort to go somewhere n study especially for d air con!!

i got a drink which cost me more than it should, n didnt taste as good as it should! :S
n that's d phone( not mine ) that never has any rest at all!! really.. it literally has no rest.. always receiving msgs, sending msgs, receiving calls, n making calls... poor thing... may it rest in peace one day ( n how i wish i can live to see that day!)
we finally started studying at about 5.30pm i think...with a lot of distractions in between.... my friend was hungry n wanted to get something to eat...while i was sitting there staring at space

n then d food was ready.. n i had to help her finish it, cos at 1st she thought d cauliflower wasnt cooked properly ( it was steamed enough ), n then it became too cold n soggy...

it wasnt all that lip smackin great..my friend took d pic at d perfect time
i literally had to force both of us to study n finish at least one chapter... which we finally did at 7.30pm...

this was while i was waiting for her to come back from d loo.... i dont believe i actually leaned on that food court table... but it was actually clean....

so we finally decided to go to Sigma Mall. its a shopping complex somewhere near by. initially d plan was to go to McD. i knew my friend wanted d burger!! hahaha... then were thinking of going to d food court in Sigma Mall... but we agreed to go to McD cos i knew she wanted to go there.

we went to McD... no no, i went in to McD first cos my friend was busy hanging on d phone ( as usual...), n then she came in after a few minutes.. n she saw so many ppl... i walked in first n i didnt see any of my college mates! so we had to change place...

we went to d food court in d 3rd floor. you wouldnt believe it.. we took like 15 mintues to decide where to sit! i wanted to sit in one place, my friend didnt agree. she wanted to sit somewhere, i didnt agree, cos it was rite in front of d tv.. all she'll do is stare at it!!

n then we sat at a table where there was no air con.. wat's d point of sitting there without air con if we took d effort to go somewhere n study especially for d air con!!

i got a drink which cost me more than it should, n didnt taste as good as it should! :S
n that's d phone( not mine ) that never has any rest at all!! really.. it literally has no rest.. always receiving msgs, sending msgs, receiving calls, n making calls... poor thing... may it rest in peace one day ( n how i wish i can live to see that day!)
we finally started studying at about 5.30pm i think...with a lot of distractions in between.... my friend was hungry n wanted to get something to eat...while i was sitting there staring at space

n then d food was ready.. n i had to help her finish it, cos at 1st she thought d cauliflower wasnt cooked properly ( it was steamed enough ), n then it became too cold n soggy...

i literally had to force both of us to study n finish at least one chapter... which we finally did at 7.30pm...

this was while i was waiting for her to come back from d loo.... i dont believe i actually leaned on that food court table... but it was actually clean....