i guessed right yesterday

there was no power today for exactly 4 n 1/2 hours again today in d afternoon!! d only difference was t hat today it was from 12.30noon till 5pm...

n d weather is freaking hot n humid!! its increasing by d day! today's weather was about 34 degrees i think...

i tried studying a little bit in d afternoon.. but didnt happen, so i just fell asleep on my bed, n when i woke up 1 n 1/2 later, i was sweating like a pig n there was still no power

tried to fan myself with papers n magazines... only ended up hurting my arms n wrist. tried not to think about how hot it was... but failed miserably cos i was sweating as if i was sitting in a sauna. tried to study.. it was too hot. tired to watch tv.. NO POWER LA!!!!!!!!!!

tomorrow's going to be d same thing again... i think i'll just stay back in college till evening on tues n then come back home when there's power

n by the way, for 45 minutes of studying, i spent 3 hours. i had to get ready, n go to d park, get used to d surrounding, n then study for 45 minutes till it became dark, waited a few minutes for d musical fountain show, bought dinner, came back home n had dinner while watching tv n talking to my foster family. so, all that took 3 whole hours.

smart ain't i! thank u thank u *chumi takes a bow*

*slaps herself in order to remind herself about d exams which she has on tues n wed which she hasnt studies for yet*

*panics n runs to grab her books n start studying*

its gonna be a long night tonite...


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