after 5 hours, i've finally finished booking all my flights

yea...ALL my flights

Glasgow - Dubai
Dubai - KL


KL - London
London - Glasgow

and that will be four different flights btw (just d company, not the number of transit flights)!

it took 5 hours to check the flights, timings, availabilities, seats, meals, luggage, transit, day and dates and finally book it and wait for ages for the slow site to approve credit cards and debit cards!

after all this hours, all i can save is a few hundreds if i were to take a return ticket from Emirates.

At first glance, Air Asia is cheap..but its not really cheap. they cant advertise just d flight ticket price and then charge extra for everything man! u know, initially they say d ticket is just RM1,039/Rm850/RM1200 etc etc. n then u'll have to add airport tax, luggage allowance (cos there's no luggage allowance at all!! how can i travel such long distance with only my handbag!!? my suitcases were heavier than i could handle even while i was in india n i sued to go back home more often back then. now that i'm going after 6 months, n i dont know if i'll be going back again after this... i'll definitely have more stuff than i can imagine!), meals (i cant possibly starve myself on a 15 hour flight.. they dont allow outside food. imagine if they do.. it'll be hilarious!! hahahha.... probably like a train in India, ppl will come packed with curd rice, and tea in flasks, with chips and biscuits.. my family does that all the time cos of hygenic issues. imagine if someone were to eat durians and belacan in d flight, n u have to tolerate it for hours n hours! i still dont agree that they charge RM38 for meals.. i wonder how many meals that includes. Emirates gave me 4 meals! Air Asia better do too... !), choosing seat ( i didnt really have to pay another RM25 for that, but i didnt want to take the chances of sitting between/or next to some fat man who keeps drinking cos its free [oh, i wonder if those r free in Air Asia!], or someone who snores, or any irritating person who talks.. i do not like to talk to strangers while i'm travelling.. oh n how on earth can i forget wat happened a few years back when i was flying back from Bangalore!! now i'm hoping no one books the seat next to mine.. i really dont want to suffer 15 hours of torture!), and finally insurance. all this adds on another RM300

n then there's transportation from PG-KL and London-Glasgow that has to be considered.

it doesnt make much difference at all in d end... n i'm rather skeptical about flying long distance with Air Asia. they're first flight is gonna be on the 11th i think. i might read d news everyday to see how they're progressing. i dont really get air sick.. but i remember on one of my flights back home a few years back, d flight almost crashed cos d pilot lost control during turbulance... i've been dead scared everytime i have to fly... but i've had to fly even more often since then!

sigh.. i cant possible drive/swim/hop on a bus or a ship.... so, i've got absolutely no other choice.

i'd love to fly emirates everytime tough. when i took Emirates in Oct last year, i didnt feel d least bit nervous or tensed up or worried. it was so comfortable, fab food, and d best was that no one was sitting next to me!!! hahaha.. cos these flights are so expensive, not many ppl travel on them. but if i were to tell my mum that i want to fly Emirates everywhere and everytime... she'd brave herself n let me stay here for good n not go anywhere at all!! hhahha... as long as i get to go back home....

after all this compromises that i have to make, there's d payment problem as well. the only possible payment they allow is credit or debit cards and they bloody charge me extra depending on the type of card!!! these ppl have no limits for their scams and possible ways of making money out of innoncent ppl like us.

all said and done... I'M GOING BACK HOME!!!!!

but i'm not all that excited now cos i'm exhausted after all those hours of looking for flights n connecting flights and paying up and all that rubbish, plus i've never been able to tolerate any journey that requires me to sit still for more than 2 hours.. i'm just wishing d journey wouldnt be so long.. if thats even possbile! given my impatient attitude for travelling, i'm surprised i managed to get so much of travelling done all these years! *way to go chumi!**pats self on back*

and i'm praying that my connecting flights doesnt get delayed... especially d one in London. my life is depending on that now... i have to be back in class at 10am on d 20th. if my london flight gets delayed, then there's no point in me rushing to get myself here on the 20th!


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