today is a day for countdowns
6 days for Molecular Genetics
7 days for Cytogenetics
8 days for Biochemical Genetics
9 days for Clinical Genetics
9 days for Glasgow to Dubai
10 days for Dubai to Malaysia
25 days for results of all the screwing up genetics
32 days for Malaysia to Glasgow
of all these days, the only one that i'm looking forward to is the 2nd day 9 and day 10
u know, i'm d only person in this whole world who is capable of studying for an hour and taking a break for 2 hours. ( the breaks used to be longer initially, but now that i am sitting in d lib, i cannot be browsing through hotmail, yahoo, gmail, FB, blogspot, news channels, movies and wat not, cos there r ppl around me staring at me like i'm some retard for sitting in d lib n checking my mails for hours n hours instead of studying! )
i for one will never learn my lesson and i definitely will not start studying at east 2 weeks before the exams start.
Ladies and gentlemen, u r looking at the world's one and only jackass, stubborn, procrastinator

she deserves to be preserved in a museum so that everyone can learn how NOT to be like her.. or better still... y not make a wax figure in Madame Tussauds n make her stand next to Prince William, or how about between Barack Obama and Martin Luther King eh??
i'll leave u to think about whom my wax figure has to stand next to, while i think about how not to screw up this exams!
7 days for Cytogenetics
8 days for Biochemical Genetics
9 days for Clinical Genetics
9 days for Glasgow to Dubai
10 days for Dubai to Malaysia
25 days for results of all the screwing up genetics
32 days for Malaysia to Glasgow
of all these days, the only one that i'm looking forward to is the 2nd day 9 and day 10
u know, i'm d only person in this whole world who is capable of studying for an hour and taking a break for 2 hours. ( the breaks used to be longer initially, but now that i am sitting in d lib, i cannot be browsing through hotmail, yahoo, gmail, FB, blogspot, news channels, movies and wat not, cos there r ppl around me staring at me like i'm some retard for sitting in d lib n checking my mails for hours n hours instead of studying! )
i for one will never learn my lesson and i definitely will not start studying at east 2 weeks before the exams start.
Ladies and gentlemen, u r looking at the world's one and only jackass, stubborn, procrastinator
she deserves to be preserved in a museum so that everyone can learn how NOT to be like her.. or better still... y not make a wax figure in Madame Tussauds n make her stand next to Prince William, or how about between Barack Obama and Martin Luther King eh??
i'll leave u to think about whom my wax figure has to stand next to, while i think about how not to screw up this exams!
a great tight schedule.. i tried making a wax image of you... but aftersometime stopped
wow..thats one tight schedule..wat r u studyin again??...and come on yaar..u r not the only jackass,stubborn procastinator ME...hehe...
wax statue in tussauds eh!! u want me to drop a recommendation?? :-)
by all means, do put in a good word for me... but i think that would be unnecessary... cos i'm capable of getting there myself cos of d things i do.. especially for wat i did today!