I'm been dying to talk about this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

no.. i dont have a bf yet

no... i didnt get any proposals ( none that i like at least)

no... i did not pierce my left ear like i wanted to two years ago ( i dunno y remembered that now... i sort of forgot about it all this while

no.. i didnt get d highlights that i wanted to either

no... i didnt do more shopping

I'M GOING BACK HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'M GOING BACK HOME!!!!!!!!!!!

I'M GOING BACK HOME!!!!!!!!!!!

*dancing around like a 5 year old*

i've never been this desperate to go back home before! but its been 6 months already since i left... i've never been away from home for more than four months

usually d first month after i leave home, i'll tell myself that i just spent close to two months at home n i got to study or do my work. d 2nd month i start thinking of home, d 3rd month i pacify myself by thinking that i can go back home soon, n d 4th month all i can think of is going back home!! exams during the final month is really a pain in d wrong place u know! how can i concentrate on studying when all i can think of is going home!!??

n do i love my lecturers or wat!!!! today, i was telling her that i have to book my flights for the 28th cos i wont be able to make it in time for a 1.30pm flight rite after my exams at 12pm. she immediately said that i could come in earlier, like 8.30am, n finish my paper by 10.30am n go straight to d airport! n she even went all out to go to d senior lecturer and asked permission on my behalf. Dr. Maria couldnt say no to Betty obviously.. so... i'm leaving on the 27th!!!! i dont have to wait another 24 hours (beyond the miserable 25 hours that i need to tolerate) to get back home!!!!!! they're such sweethearts man!! i must remember to get something for them when i come back after the break....

Malaysia ..... here i come!!!!!!!!! :D

or rather....

mee goreng, Tao, Pelita, Secret recipe, Seoul Garden, Cendol, nasi lemak, curry mee, ice kacang, milo ais, rose milk, roti chanai, fallooda, prawns, crab, fishy fishy, chicken, lamb, char koey teow, mee rebus, fish ball soup, keow teow soup, kacang pau, durian, rambutan, mangosteen, lychee, sar ho fan, hot plate, satay, taufu, sweet sour chicken, sawi, kankung, sentosa n desa damai hawker stalls, nasi goreng, old town, foodcourts, beehun goreng, pisang goreng, cucur jagung, secret recipe, gurney plaza, pacific, honey bakery, leng chee kang, dutch lady chocolate milk, cloud 9, tandoori chicken, masala thosa, anandha bhavan, karaikudi, noodle station, kacang tumbuk, maggi mee, maamee, twistees, curry puff, pasar malam, roti jala, fried fish balls, steamboat, bkt tambum, ... (i dont even remember d names of so many places!).... HERE I COME!!!!

i've got to start writting a schedulu... for early breakfast, late breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and supper... otherwise i wont be able to cover everything on my list.. n i heard there r many new places now.. i definitely wouldnt want to miss all that!

making this list has made me hungry all over again! I shall go n attack my fridge while i try n recall d places n food that i've missed out in d list above....

bye bye...



Anonymous said…

mee goreng, Tao, Pelita, Secret recipe, Seoul Garden, Cendol, nasi lemak, curry mee, ice kacang, milo ais, rose milk, roti chanai, fallooda, prawns, crab, fishy fishy, chicken, lamb, char koey teow, mee rebus, fish ball soup, keow teow soup, kacang pau, durian, rambutan, mangosteen, lychee, sar ho fan, hot plate, satay, taufu, sweet sour chicken, sawi, kankung, sentosa n desa damai hawker stalls, nasi goreng, old town, foodcourts, beehun goreng, pisang goreng, cucur jagung, secret recipe, gurney plaza, pacific, honey bakery, leng chee kang, dutch lady chocolate milk, cloud 9, tandoori chicken, masala thosa, anandha bhavan, karaikudi, noodle station, kacang tumbuk, maggi mee, maamee, twistees, curry puff, pasar malam, roti jala, fried fish balls, steamboat, bkt tambum, ... (

i hope you dont miss a thing
Chumi Lakshmi said…
hahahha... i hope i dont miss a thing too! i'll be running on a very tight schedule to cover up everything within 3 weeks... but i'll do my best!

Anonymous said…
That list made my mouth water as well..Can I add Hokkien Mee.

PS:Came over from MIM's blog and I am from Singapore now in USA..
Chumi Lakshmi said…
Oh yea.. i forgot about Hokkien mee..thank u for reminding me! LOL

dont worry... u'll have ur turn when u go back home to Sing :)

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