one more day....

n that is all that matters to me now...

i'm not even going to try n talk about how idiotically stupid the biochemical genetics paper was today! no one believes me when i say that i hate chemistry with a vengeance and that chemistry hates me equally (or probably even more!). see wat happened today! chemistry n i r not meant to be together at all even if there's a bio or a genetics with it. y cant they understand that n leave me alone!

all i could think about while writing the exam today was how bad tomorrow's exam was going to get. cos it seems to be getting worse with each paper since tuesday. n honestly... i was thinking about home more often then anything else.

oh! i did something really silly during my exam today!! =P

there i was, stuck with a stupid paper that wanted me to calculate sensitivity and specificity and how effective certain screening programme would be and how some reactions work. somewhere between those calculations, i heard a tiny little stomach growling. and i was smirking away to myself cos yesterday my tummy was roaring as if i had a whole life lion in it!! i made it a point to have breakfast today so that i dont embarrass myself again today. when i heard that hungry tummy... i thought it must have been someone else who forgot to have breakfast today... within a few minutes, i heard it again.. n this time, it sounded more real... as if something had struck my hard, i stopped writing n tried to listen to where that hungry tummy cry was from.. cos it sounded awfully familiar.

no prizes for guessing.... it was my own darling tummy again this morning.. making its presence felt at an absolutely inappropriate time as usual! i almost bursted out laughing at myself.. but the look on my lecturer's face warned me against doing anything even more stupid! she must have sensed that something was wrong cos she had this intensive look on her face when i caught her eye. it must have been that silly grin on my face n d weird look that triggered her off! true enough.. she came up to me once we submitted our papers, and asked me if everything was alrite cos apparently i had a very 'worry-able' look on my face... must have been the intense-panic-sick-stupid-idiotic-smirky face that i had at that time! ahahahha!



Anya said…
oh that lovely feeling.. the want to go home... gives me goosbumps too sometimes.. i need to go home too..
Anya said…

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