all my hopes down the drain

it wasnt as easy as i thought it would be to convince my mum to get me d phone i wan!!

but i didnt push my mum too much.... i only told her once about d phone i wanted... errr...actually i went on n on bragging about d phone for almost half an hour...i was practically reading out d whole review to my mum ( d gud ones only )...while she was patiently waiting for me to finish all that story n tell her how much that phone costs....

n when i eventually did...she said easy as that....

my mum keeps saying that i'm becoming very pampered n materialistic n i get all that i want without having to pay for it...she went on n on saying d same thing...

it's not that i do it on purpose la...sometimes when i think about how crazy i get thinking about mobile phones, electronic gadgets n stuff like that....i feel that it might be some sort or disorder...dont laugh k....i'm just trying tio justify my attitude... :p...

sometimes i really envy some ppl who r very satisfied n thankful with and for wat they have n dont demand for more.... i am very very thankful for watever i have alrite....but i cannot be satisfied for too long though... hehehe ... ;p

anyway, after (unsuccessfully) trying to look for another phone according to my mum's budget...i've made my mind...i am going to get d phone that i have my eye on.... there's no point in getting something else...i will not be satisfied at all....n before u know it...i'll be looking for another phone within 5 months!!


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