
as if i am not dark enough...i'm being burnt even more...

everyday and everytime i go out some where n come back home...i get so burnt n roasted!! d weather is really really bad here!!

its just so boiling hot..n it doesnt help even when i am sitting right under the fan!!

i wonder wat my mum's gonna say when she sees me in May...i wonder if my friends will be able to recognize!! i'm completely sun burnt ...

Anyway, it was worth getting burnt yesterday... (we had to ride for about half an hour to reach d PVR...where Pursuit of Happyness was playing)....d movie was vey gud!! its a MUST watch movie!! really really worth it!! Will Smith was too gud n so was his cute kiddo son... hehehe...

my friend n i actually wanted to watch this movie last thursday ...but we were a bit too late...d tickets were all sold out... so we ended up watching another tamil movie...Mozhli...Jothika's movie...that was a good movie too... n we promised ourselves that that was gonna be d last movie till our exams r over...but within one week...we ended up bunking college n watching Pursuit of Happyness...hehehe...

anyway...hopefully that'll be my last movie till d exams r over...which is less then 3 weeks away...!! havent started studying anything at all!! i wanted to start yesterday...but ended up with a splitting migrain before i could even take my notes n put a time table...so, i slept for a good 12 hours straight (9pm to 9am).. =s...as if i'm sleep deprived... i am not actually..infact...i sleep too much nowadays...which makes me even more sleepy!! sigh... i do not wanna start talking about my sleeping habits again...!


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