learnt anything today??

havent been blogging much cos i've been off mood since friday. i heard a very sad news from my mum on friday...n i was terribly effected by that . i couldnt even study for my zoolgy test which i had the next day...God knows what rubbish i wrote for that test!! i was on an emotional roller coaster the whole weekend...but am getting much much better now...thank God for that...

Anyway, classes were dull as usual...( what do u expect on a monday morning??! ) we had eng, biotech, zoology ( all of which i have no idea what d teachers were teaching...i was in my own sweet world..hehehe... ) we didnt have d 4th hour...so as usual d whole gang sat by d drive and everyone was talking about almost everything under d sun...everyone except for me...i somehow feel that my comments and views are not appreciated too much...sometimes it feels as if i'm talking to d walls...sometimes i just choose to keep quiet n listen (actually most of d time i listen...) rather than to talk n not be heard...*sigh*...even at home i used to be on d quieter side ( but not as much as here ) my 4 Sc 1 and 5 Sc 1 gang will know wat i mean....

Anyway, i left early to go to my next class ...only to find that my lazy add eng teacher was too lazy to take d class! so we had another free hour....all d better for us anytime...hehe!! i could catch up with some of my classmates with whom i only share a hie and a bye. i learnt a lot of things today while talking to them...

i realzed that one cannot get along well with the friends whom one lives with for more than 3 or 4 months. this friend, P, was complaining NON STOP about d friend whom she lives with J. P couldnt tolerate J for nuts!! after a few minutes of listening to her, i realized that i too am like that once in a while ( BUT I DONT GO TO P's EXTEND!!) i guess maybe its because we take them for granted more than often.... but sometimes its also because we cant tolerate or be patient with them all the time....i'm no saint after all...i'm just a normal human being...i have my own share of ego, and flaws and characteristic problem.

Most of the time misunderstandings occur because of my culture, my thinking, and my mentality and expectations are very different from those here.... bu ti'm learning to my level's best to try and adapt to them. i can never expect anyone to adapt to me...cos that will NEVER happen....


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