monday blues

I'm sitting here in a boring room, its just another monday afternoon....

I hate mondays and i hate Chemistry!!... everytime i say that i hate friends always says "love your enemies!" hahahha..... is it possible to even try to like chemistry!! i seriously DOUBT it!! hahahha...!! i just cant wait to get rid of chemistry from my life!!

Anyway...moving on to other stuff...i kindda enjoyed add eng class today...hehehe...thats cos i was sitting in a very strategical place....neither could d teacher see me nor could she see me msging with my mobile phone!! hahahah!! i was happily msging away to glory for almost one whole hour!! hehehe... kindda catching up with a lot of my friends...havent been able to do that for quite some time now cos my phone is giving problems off late...( even today i had to stop msging in class halfway cos my phone switched off n wouldnt switch on again!! )

so, i guess its high time i changed my phone....hehehe... ;) !! i'm obviously looking forwards to it!! but i dont have d patients to wait for 2 whole months for a new mobile ( till i go back home!! )

so, i'm gonna have to start persuading my mum from now onwards so that i can get d new phone by next week....heheheh...i'm already so excited....but persuading my mum for another phone is gonna be really really tough....asking her for anything else will be a piece of cake....but since my mum hates mobile phones...i'll have to make other sacrifices so that she agrees!!! but i'm hoping for d best anyways....


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