Lost n found friends

It's 1am on a sunday morning.. i have to wake up early tomorrow n here i am blogging away.. instead of sleeping or studying!! i havent even started studying..n i only have 2 weeks left!!! AAARRGGHHH!!! ok ok..i dont wanna start with that now...

i am still not in d mood to study.. so am happily friendster-ing n orkut-ing away.... Orkut is another media through which u can keep in touch with friends... just like friendster, high-5 (or watever it is) n things of that sort.. but orkut is really sad... i've joined it cos my friends in India r in Orkut... n there was a lot of compulsion... so i thought i'd just give it a try...

Anyway, since i've got loads of free time now ( i'm asking for trouble here!! ) i was just looking through my friends' profiles, pics, n their friends n all that stuff....n i guess wat... i found SO many other friends!! (ex-schollmates)

i actually forgot about most of them since i left school.... hey, no offence k... it's not like i forgot them because i wanted to... it just happened.. of course i remembered all of them as soon as i saw their pics...

n i did add n msg a few of them... but i dont know if they'd remember me!! i only added a few of them cos i was kindda sure they'd remember me....( actually i'm keeping my fingers crossed...) n d others....eerrr... i dont know y i didnt add or msg them..maybe i didnt wanna get offended when they say they dont remember me...

i'm not d kind of person who forgets my friends or d ppl i meet elsewhere.... i might not remember their names immediately (if i havent been friends long enough with them or if its been many many years since i last saw them)... but i still remember ppl k...unless they undergo some plastic surgery..or a total make over...which looks like a plastic surgery anyways...!!

i do make a boo boo once in a while myself when i dont remember ppl... like wat i did last week... i met a girl whom i supposed had met before...but i didnt know her name at all...but she walked into d room n happily called out to me using my full name n gave a big hug n a sweet smile n asked about how i was doing..!!!

i was dead sure i hadnt met her before...but she knew a lot about me!! just when i was cracking my head trying to figure out when n where i met her n how she knows so much about me...(while trying to cover up d fact that i had d slightest clue of who she was...) another friend challengingly asked me if i knew her n wat her name was!!!! i so wished i could just drop dead there n then!! but that obviously didnt happen... so, i had to admit that i didnt know who she was... she didnt take it too badly..( or maybe she wasnt showing it).. she just smiled it off... but i felt very very bad.... i wouldnt like it if someone i know says to my face that he/she doesnt know me...

i went on n on apologizing to her...(i honestly didnt mean to offend her...) i hope she understands though ....


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