Humble me...??

Yesterday i made a drastic decision.... i wanted to learn to be humble...i wanted to learn to live a simple life.... if others can live like that...y cant i?? if others can live with normal phones...y cant i live with a phone that doesnt have a camera, bluetooth, IR, memory card, walkman, fm, etc.... after all ..a mobile phone is only needed to make n receive calls and msges.... n especially during emergencies....

so, i decided that i would just buy a normal phone that can be used only for calls and msges.... even my friend was so shocked with my decision!! but i made up my mind that i wanna try to learn to live like that... even my mum will be so happy if i do that!!

i wanted to be very humble ... i wanted to be less materialistic... i wanted to live like every other normal ppl who can be so satisfied and thankful with watever they have... i wanted to be all this for only 5 minutes...after that i was dreaming about my sony ericsson w810i again!!!

hahaha!! so much for me trying to be less materialistic!! i got my w810 today!!! hahahha!! but i intend to keep this phone for more than a year this time...without going goo goo gaa gaa over another phone..!! this way might be easier for me rather than trying to take drastic actions like sacrificing everything at a go....


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