am proud of my assignment!!

i actually finished this assignment last no...not last week...just a few days ago...on the 16th of this month....

it's a zoology assignment where we have to draw diagrams of any system from the human anatomy in a huge piece of chart paper ( chart paper is acutally manila in India its known as chart paper...)

my teacher actually told the class about this assignment in december in one of her 1st classes...but i didnt know cos i was absent on that day i think.....but it didnt matter too much...cos not even one out of my 80 something classmates bothered to even think about it!! ahahaha...thats how my classmates are...noone does any work before hand...they only start watever it is (be it studying or assignment ) d nite before its due!! hahahaha

anyway, my teacher reminded all of us on friday last week, saying that she wanted it on her table on tuesday without any delays or excuses if we wanted marks for it....wat was she thinking??!! that we were willing to do idiotic, useless stuff without anything in return??!! yea rite!! :P

i was so not in d mood to draw huge diagrams in chart papers!! it's not that i cannot draw...of course i can..(after so many years of being in d science stream n drawing n number of diagrams...i SHOULD be able to draw almost anything!! hahah) its just that i was lazy...n i kindda lost touch of drawing...cos i've been tracing a lot off late..( too many diagrams to draw in very short time...n loads of other work to, tracing saves a lot of time!)

i wanted to ask my x-hostel mate to draw it for me on saturday...n then i can colour it ( i still like colouring...heheheh :P) but then things didnt turn out as planned (when has it ever turned out as planned for me!! =s)...she had some dance practice n i was stuck in d lab till, i had no one to draw for me already....:( ...i ended up taking d chart paper back home with me.....

eerrr...just a few paragraphs above i mentioned that my friends r d late birds rite....i've become one of them too!!! ;p.....i bought d chart paper on saturday, but i only unfolded it on monday nite at 11pm...;p hehehe.....n i didnt know which way i was supposed to cut it n which way i was supposed to draw d diagram!! (my teacher's such a pain in d wrong place most of d time....if we do something in a slightly different way to how she wants it, she mercilessly makes us do it again!! watever it is!!) so, i called a classmate of mine, n asked her how to do it...u should have heard our conversation!! ahahah...d way she was trying to explain n d way i was trying to figure it was hilarious!! ahaha..

anyway, by d time i managed to figure it out rite, n start drawing, it was already 11.30 pm......i had 2 huge diagrams to draw, label, n colour which was due d next day morning, n it was already 11.30 at nite....i just wanted to go to sleep n forget about it!! but then i'd be losing marks, i forced myself to start drawing.....

10 minutes, n i had done 1/4 of 1 diagram....when i received a call form my friend....i was talking to him while, d first diagram kindda cacat already la....but i was lazy to erase it n draw again...i had another diagram to do!! which fool would waste time doing it again!! not me for sure!!

so, i just carried on with d other diagram....n labelled was already 12.30am by then....i had only d colouring part left....but i couldnt do that, cos i didnt know d rite colours!! u see...on saturday i had to take a photocopy of d diagram from a book which my friend had borrowed for herslef from d, since i couldnt do anything else....i happily went to bed....

d next day i wanted to bunk my language class n finish d colouring...but my friend who had d book didnt reach college, stayed back in my language class...n then during chemistry...i was doing d colouring in class.....i sat in a place where d teacher wouldnt notice....there were about 80 girls in that chem, wasnt a problem at all...hehehe....

d girl who was next to me said she liked colouring too...n since i had two diagrams to colour, she said she'll help me do it....(she's good in drawing, n colouring...n i wouldnt have been able to finish it in time by i let her colour 1 diagram for me....or not i wouldnt let anyone else do my work...)

anyway, we finally managed to finish everything by d lunch d lunch hour actually...n u know was os nice!!! my diagram was d best compared to everyone else's in class!! some of them had finished it d nite before...some did it in class....but most of them who coloured it, didnt do it as good as mine!! hhahaha...:D

i was so proud of my diagram n colouring...cos, i hadnt forgotten d art even if i havent been doing it for quite some time, i took pics with my phone!! for rememberance...hehhehe...

Photo0331 this is d whole chart....

Photo0329_2 my friend colour this

Photo0330 n i did this....( my colouring looks better rite....;p ...heheh)

since i took these pics with my non megapixel, vga camera phone...its not very clear....but it doesnt matter too much....i can still c d pics..... :)


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