mysore holidays part 2

ok, its high time i continued with my holiday, here goes.... the continuation of my holidays....

on thursday last week, that is the 29th of december...we went to mysore. we had to wake up at 5am n get ready we had to leave at 6am on the dot if we wanted to go to all the places in mysore...

my cousins had their bath and changed into their clothes the nite before cos they didnt wanna wake up d next morning they only got up at 5.55am n brushed their teeth, n got into the car to continue their sleep...ahahha!!

we started at about 6.30 only, cos the driver was late.....the jorney was ok...cos the roads to mysore was good...n so was the scenery...i took some pics from inside the car...but it wasnt all that clear cos the windows were tinted n the weather was like 15 degrees...everyone was already freezing n shivering....i didnt wanna make it worse by winding down the windows.....

stopped in a place called MTR for breakfast. u know wat, the idlies there were so cutely shaped!! it looked like puttu to i told d waiter that i wanted puttu...he looked at me as if i was some girl from some 3rd world country n told me that those were idlies....hahahhaha.....

we continued with our journey n our first stop was some famous temple in Sri Rangapatna....when i keep saying that name again n feels as if i've read about that place in my history book in seconday school....but i cant really put my finger into it...

after that we went to the Tipu Sultan's summer palace. we had to walk so far in to reach to the palace from the main gate!!! the place was just so beautiful...the garden looked like some golf course, n the palace really looked like a summer palace. Tipu Sultan's original palace was destroyed in a this was the only one left...n we also saw his tomb...that looked like another summer palace with a golf course kindda garden around it!! i wonder wat this dead sultans do in such a big place!!!

there were so many unique trees in mysore...n it was actually very nice n interesting...i was staring at it trying to figure out how the gardeners got it to twist that way....n i wanted to climb that tree with my cousins n take a was kindda short...i told my cousins to go first...but they were i like a hero went ahead of them n told them to see how i climb n follow me....but i couldnt climb that stupid tree n almost got bitten by huge red ants!!! so we ended up sitting on the cemented pavement under the tree to take d pic...hahahaha!!!

then we went to a place called Chamundi Hills to another temple...the temple wasnt all that great for me...but the journey to that place was awesome!! it was driving to cameroon highlands, genting higlands or even batu ferringgi...n the view was simply superb. we could see the whole of mysore from the top of the hill !! n there was mist at 11am!!!

next we went to the mysore zoo....this zoo was so much better n bigger than the bangalore zoo.....d only problem was that it was lunch time when we reached...n all the animals must have had a heavy lunch...they were too lazy to move about...especially the Chimpanzeses n the Gorillas!! but we still had fun....i like the tiger n the Giraffe the best. only on that day i realized that i preferred carnivoures animals to reptiles. i couldnt even go anywhere near the snake house n the crocodile farm in the was like so disgusting!! but i liked the tiger soooo much!! i was standing there staring at the tiger so long till my mother had to drag me out!! d tiger had soft, thick, velvety kindda skin but it couldnt roar for nuts!! its name was Amulya....poor thing..must have been brought up in that zoo...that's y it couldnt even roar loudly n wasnt very active...but it posed well for all the photographers...hahahah

we had lunch in a vegetarian was so packed we had to wait for almost an hour to be seated!! the food was good though...worth the wait......we went to the mysore palace rite after that.....

mysore palace was just awesome!!! it's even better than awesome!! i'll know know wat i mean when u see it for urself....we were not allowed to take our cameras inside...if only i had my camera with me inside the palace...i could have stayed in there for a whole day taking pics of everything!! i really dont know how to describe was very artistic, beautiful, colourful, creative....

i wonder how the architects learnt to be so creative in those days!! everything was so unique, n expensive and so very appreciative!!

there was this huge hall in the heart of the aunt told me that that was where the ministers and politicians gather for private meeting with the King. the way that hall was built was simply amazing!! there were hundereds of pillars in that hall...each one identically the same n there was this huge gaint sixed mirrors placed stategically in certain places....which reflects the pillars in teh when u looked into the mirror, it looks as if u r standing in a corridor which is never ending...cos u can see the reflection of the pillars from another mirror at the back

we were not allowed to take pics inside the palace, n i wanted something in rememberance of the palace....not that i would forget how it looked like without any pics....(the palace was amazing!! no one would forget how it looks like at least for a decade of their life!!) but still i bought some postcards and guide books outside the palace....

my cousins n i went for an elephant ride in the palace was fun actually!! cousins had never been on elephant rides before (i have when i was about 10 years old i think) they were so keen on going, but were scarded to go, my friend shalini n i went along.. the tickets rates were day light robbery man!! it was almost 10 times more than the normal rate!!! but wat to do, all four of us ended up paying for it anyway....

it was kindda scary to get on the elephant at first...but after a few mintes i was cousins were very quiet for sometime in the begining...hahahaha....but then they started enjoying later on...

we were too preoccupied with this palace n taking loads of pics that none of us realised that it was getting late to go to the next stop...the driver that warned us that we had to be there by was 6.22pm when we left the palace, n it was an hours journey to our ext destination...

the driver was so angry that he was pratically flying on the roads. our next stop was the Brindavan Garden. it was famous for dancing fountains...i didnt realise wat everyone meant when they said it was very extraordinary until i saw it myself!! i tought it was just some normal water fountain with lights liket he ones i've seen in malasysia..but this was really different!!

we were very late when we reached the place. it was already 7.40pm, n the dancing fountain was only till 7.25pm!! all six of us started running towards the garden area where the fountain was. it was about 5km from the ticketing place i think...n it was crowded!!! the way was like a bridge over the sea ..(it was actually a dam)( if u had seen Shah Rukh Khan's Kuch Kuch Hota Hai's something like the summer camp where Kajol n Shah Rukh Khan meet)

the bridge was paked like a sardine can!! since there were six of us, we sort of broke up into pairs....n started running like never before!! hahahaha.... but when we reached the place...we didnt hear any music nor did we c any fountains with beautiful lights like my aunty had described...we were so dissapointed!! my cousins almost cried!! then suddenly there was a group of boys n girls...maybe about 100 of them running towards us and beyond us...we thought they were crazy to run like that cos everything was over....but then we heard some commotions from somewhere beyond us n there was we started running too!! it was pitch dark n we were running in different directions not knowing which was the rite was so funny....we were practiacally running across the garden n lawn!! we found t he place soon but it was too late cos everyone had crowded around the fountain already...n most of them were they were tall....n we were stuck behind we started moving about in different directions again trying to find any space where we could squeze ourselves to the front...ahahahha.....

shalini, my mum n cousins managed to get to the front row using my cousins as a aunt n i stayed at the 2nd n 3rd row...but we could see it clearly...i even took pics n video actually turned out very good!!! i couldnt see wat i was recording..since everyone in front of me were tall...i had to stand on tip toes n hold my camera high up in the air so that i could record....

well, it was a good day that day...n we had a good holiday..everything turned out well in the end. we saw all the important places at the rite time...most importantly we saw the dancing fountain.....:)


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