
hahah....hehehe....looks like i've created quite a stir huh..!!?? hahahha...;) ;p

ok ok...i'm sorry...it was just a joke....i mean....i didnt really expect anyone to believe it...marriage n i are like poles apart!! but i guess with all this wedding bells jinggling all over d place (this month especially)......ppl were prone to believe that i actually got married!! hahahah....

anyway, i'm sure most of u must be cursing under ur breath....hahaha...i dont blame u ...hehehe...1st, i was "in a relationship", then i was "single" n finally i said i was "married"......hehehehehe.....i seriously didnt expect this much of attention from so many ppl!!! hahahahha!!! LOL!!!

i think i've had enough of fun for d time being.....heheheh :p....but d last one wasnt intended k....i was just sharing my dream...its just that i chose to share it in a more excitiing way....that's all...hahahaha!!!

but on a serious note....i've been thinking a little bit about marriages this past 2 days ( i usually dont bother thinking at all about marriages.. dont ask me y...cos i dont know y...!!)....so many of my batchmates are either married or gonna get married in d very near future.......wow....it kindda scares me....i wonder how they made up their minds to live their lives with this one particular man....

i mean...it's a very very difficult decision....how would u know if he's d rite man for u....??! how would u know if u can live d rest of ur live with this man?? how would u know if he's d one God has sent for u?? d very thought of getting married, sharing ur life with someone, living with in laws, being commited n taking up responsibilites scares d nerves out of me!! but when i look at my friends' n cousins' wedding pics...they all look so happy...as if live's a dream....where everything is just perfect...

i'm not against marriages ( n love...) at all...infact i love attending weddings n d reception after that...( cos almost all d time i'm d bride's maid or maid of honour....n there's loads of yummy food...hehehe....)...it's just that i've never been able to really understand how ppl manage to accept d changes n live with it....

initially, when i'm in someone else's wedding, n some of my very very old, busy body relatives ask me when i'm gonna get married n things like that...i just smile politely n move away from them...n my mum supports me a lot by saying that i'm still very young, n i have to complete my studies...n bla..bla..bla....

but now...even my mother has started lecturing me!! n it's really freaking me out.....

as happy as i am for my friends who're married, who're gonna get married, who're commited, who've managed to find themselves a partner....or watever la....i realise that i'm getting old...n i'm getting myself into trouble!!! =s =s


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