i wan a puppy!!

ok, for those who have known me off late (maybe about 1 year or 2...) i'm sure u must be shocked.....cos, u probably know me as an anti pet person...or to be more specific anti dog person....cos, i've made it quite obvious that i'm not a dog lover....

but u know wat...?? i actually grew up with dogs in my house!! we were staying as a joint family till i was a bout 3 or 4 years old i think....n my elder cousins had dogs....i dont know wat breed they r...but i call them d sausage dogs...heheheh...they'r d short, long body, brown coloured dogs.....

there was this mother dog, father dog n about 5 or 6 puppies i think...i dont really remember...only recently i saw among some of my old photos...that i was actually sitting on d dog as if i was sitting on a horse.... n happily smiling too!!! n there was these other pics in which i was helping my cousins to tie ribbons for the puppies n i was playing with them...

i never had a dog in my own house....but my cousins did...n i wasnt as terrified of them as i am now....i mean...i dont go n touch them or play with them...i just stay where i am n the dog stays where he is.....n i occasionaly pat them..hehehe..but now..its totally the opposite story!!!

i guess its because of d stray dogs here in india...they;re just all over the place, n everywhere!!!!!!!!!! i hate stray dogs!!! n because of that i started disliking all dogs...i dont even like it when my friends pets come near me n sniff me when i go to their houses....n i'm kindda scared of getting scratched by their claws...n when they bark ...:P

but ever since i saw Abi's puppy....i've fallen in love with dogs....(not all kinds of dogs though...mind it...only d ones which looks exactly like Abi's) hehehe...

he's just SOOO cute!!!!! n adorable!!! n Vid says that he's very tame too!! n he doesnt even have claws!! hahaha...ok, he sure does...but its not at all visible......

i've just realised that i like puppies n not big huge dogs....so, i like dogs that stay small like a puppy n not out grow their puppy size...n i like dogs that dont bark all d time, dont jump around all d time, n especially d ones that doesnt have claws

Abi.... i've copied all d pics of ur Ganesha kutty n am staring at it everytime i switch on my comp ( which is like 6 hours a day...:P) hahahha...

so, i'm on a mission now!! i'm gonna go hunting for a puppy just like Abi's!! :D

38749297017656l this is before his hair-do n

584715047l_1this after his hair-do


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