kindda progressive day

well, i've got a new reader today...who's gonna laugh at me and make fun of me if and when he reads all my blogs!! doesnt matter i guess.....anyway, welcome Manjunath

well, today was kindda progressive i guess...i didnt fall asleep in class like i usually do...but i was yawning at d rate of 180km/h sort of thing....hehehhe...:P

i woke up late today again ( i slept at 2am d nite before)....but not as late as d day before....i didnt even have time for breakfats...n my friend's mum was getting so worried that i didnt have breakfast.....rushed to college as usual...n was late for the 1st hour as usual...hahaha!! i wonder when my eng teacher is gonna lose her temper n throw me n my friend out of her class permanently!! hahahha...but there were SO many other who were VERY MUCH LATER than, i guess we're save...

nothing much happened in class throught out.....other than i've started reading story books in class again....hey ,i can't help it teachers r so boring...there;s no point in listening to them...most of the time i sit in class is for the sake of attendance.... i've tried to control myself from reading story books in class...but it's not working...or rather i'm not trying hard enough...:P...d book i'm reading rite now is much more interesting than my class lecturers anyday...hahaha....

class dragged till 3pm today...n then we were supposed to have extra credit course in the BT lab...but we didnt have that cos d others didnt bring the seeds which they were supposed to innoculate...n i forgot to soak d seed which i was supposed to innoculte....actually, i didnt 'literally' forget to soak it...i was just kindda lazy to walk up to d lab to soak it n then come back to i conveniently chose to 'forget'...haahhaha....

well, it was all for my convenience...i got to go back early so that i could go n play keyboard in a friend's house....i asked him about a year ago if i could use his keyboard cos i couldnt bring mine....n he didnt have a problem at all...but it took me so long to get my ass there n start playing again!!

i thought i would have forgotten everything that i had learnt n everything that i knew so well...but i was surprised myself....i didnt really forget everything....but my fingers had gone stiff.....i couldnt play d scales like i used to...cos i havent been playing for almost 1 n half a year......

well, i guess this is d time for me to get it back again....and its good exercise too by the way....i'll have to walk to my friend's house n back i'll get to play d keyboard n also loose a little bit of weight (hopefully)...i'm seriously putting on weight as if its nobody's business!! but d only problem is....i dont know if i'll keep this up...

i really hope i do...i want to...

anyway, i better log off n sleep now...or not i'll be late again tomorrow....

bye everyone....gud nite....


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