i talk a lot

i'm super tired n dead sleepy!! i think i can sleep through d whole weekend!!!

i'm so deprived of sleep cos i was hanging on d phone with Vid last nite for 5 hours non stop!!! hahahah....yup...u saw it rite...5 hours at a go...hhehehe....

i used my friends mobile to call Vid cos it was unlimited hours free ...n i know if i call Vid, we'll surely speak for an hour or so......n with my current financial status...there's no way i can afford to top up my credit...cos my financial minister has put me under very strict limitations...hehehhe....( my mum's my financial minister by d way....:P)

anyway, i called her up at about 10.15 last nite rite after dinner....n she was peacefully sleeping!! i called her up so many times till she woke up...hehehe....n we were talking for about half an hour when my friend said that she wanted to use d phone....so, i hung up, n then called Vid again from my phone.....cos i have to finish telling her my dream story !! so i called her from my phone la.....

n we spoke n spoke n spoke till 3.30am!! i have no idea wat we were talking for soooo long!! but i only know that we spoke for 5 hours non stop!!

d phone line got dc every hour...but still i called her back each time....hahaha....n u know wat...i was actually sitting at my study table trying to d my chem assignment while looking at d clock ....sort of 3 in 1 work....but d only thing which i ended up doing properly was talk to Vid for 5 hours.....neither did i write one word of chemistry, nor did i 'see' d time !! ahahahah......n when i finally hung up at 3.30am....my hand was frozen at d same position for about 5 minutes...n my ears hurt so badly!! hahahha....

i know i talk a lot ...but only once in a while la.....not ALL d time.....but last nite was kindda extreme i think....hehehe... d last time i hung on d phone with someone for so long was when i was in form 4 i think....n that was only 3 hours!! so i broke my own record last nite....ahahahha.....

we spoke about almost everything under d sun...but after d 5 hours of conversation....i realised that there was something which i forgot to ask Vid ....hahahha......

n i woke up at 8.15am this morning when my college was at 8.30 am!!! i freaked when i saw that d time was already 8.15am...i thought it was only 7.15am.....:p...i practically jumped out of bed!! i msged my friend n told her to go ahead 1st cos i'd take time n she'll be late beacuse of me...but she waited for me.....n i broke another of my own record this morning....i got ready within 15 minutes....hehehe...we were late for class anyway...we walked in at 8.50 i think....but d teacher didnt say anything....hehehe

i was so dead sleepy in class d whole of today...but i didnt really doze off....that's an improvement....hahahah...n when my friends knew that i slept late cos i was hanging on d phone till 3.30am....they started teasing n asking who i was talking to for so long!! hahaha...n they wouldnt believe when i said it was my cousin sis...so i just played along with them n said my bf...:p....wat else am i supposed to do...!! hahaha


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