me singing! hehehhe

has it started raining in malaysia already?? or maybe another tsunami will start....but no worries...i'll tell the Lord to spare d rest of d world n let no harm come upon them cos I'M SINGING!!!!! Hahahahha!!!!

i just got back home from chior practice....yup...that's rite....i've joined d choir team today......i was supposed to join them last year...but i avoided....then was supposed to go two weeks ago...but loads of other things came, finally made it today....

it was so funny when i heard all of them do d voice training thing!! hehehe...they had this bumbble bee, lip thiny, n all sounded funny to me cos this is d 1st time i'm listening to stuff like this...but it really helps in voice training....

since this was my 1st day with them, i didnt know wat to, i just sat there, listened to them...n sang along here n there.....

Samuel, d choir head said that he'll have an audition for me at d end, to decide where exactly i should be.......i almost died when he said he wanted to audition me!! i thought he was gonna ask me to sing rite then, in front of everyone!!!! but thank God he said at d end!!!

when practice was done for d day...everyone was stacking up d chairs n walking about...Samuel was asking me to come forward so that he can start d audition...but i was delaying till everyone left d room!! heehehhe....

so, when finally everyone had left...i walked up to him....n before he could start anything...i told him that i was a bathroom/bedrrom/house singer...!!! n he bursted out laughing!!! i mean, i have to warn him before hand that he doesnt expect too much!! :p

actually, its not that i really suck in singing....i'm no professional i said ....i'm a bathroom/bedroom/house singer...n i've NEVER sang in front of anyone in public!!! i just dont have d confidence to sing in public.....n i cannot sing high notes for nuts!! my voice kindda blends with middle notes....but u know wat...i really love to sing!! just like how i love to play d keyboard....i dont sing in public, cos i dont know how to sing properly....n i dont play d keyboard exellently cos i dont practice properly...(lazy la...wat else...)

Samuel said that even before he started...he knew my voice was blending with d alto part.....but he still did audition me....he played a few notes on d keyboard n told me hum along...which i couldnt do at all!!!! it was so embarrasing!!! :p but he was a perfect gentleman!! he didnt laugh at me!!! hehehe.....

n yet, he said "welcome to d team"!! d way he said was as if he was proud to have me in their team!! ahahaha!!! yea rite!! n he gave me d cassette with d voice training thing....actually, i asked him for it...n he happily gave it to me..cos no one else wanted to practice with it....except for me....i was trying to create a good impression on him u that he doesnt see my flaws in singing too much....hehehe

anyway, i was smiling all d way while walking back home....cos, i was happy that i finally made it for d practice, cos i was gonna learn to sing properly n i dont have to be ashamed to sing in front of anyone, n i was actually laughing at myself n d way i sang d scales....i've been playing scales on d keyboard for God knows how long...but i never bothered to sing along with it, n learn it!!

well, i got to get going now...i have to listen to d voice training cassette n start training my voice already...heheheh

gud nite ppl...sweet dreams!!


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