hey ppl... i'm married...

....to d guy of my dreams......well...i'm so sorry for not informing u guys earlier n for not inviting anyone for my wedding.......d problem is.....i wasnt given enough notice myself...:P

i'm sure most of u just got d shock of ur lives!!! well....i wouldnt blame u....i've been telling everyone who asks me (when i'm gonna get married...) that i'll only get married when i'm about 27 or 28....not interested in getting tied down too early in life...:P.... but wat to do...things always happen exactly d opposite from wat i plan for myself!!

but still...i have absolutely no regrets at all....he's just d guy i've had in mind...tall, dark, handsome, educated, rich, talented, well mannered, gentlemen....most of all...he loves d Lord so much!! who would say no to a guy like that!!! a few months ago...a friend of mine was asking me about my ideal guy.....when i told him all the qualities i wanted in a guy.....( i only told him 3 of it though...tall, dark, n handsome ...) he said i would have to marry 3 different guys..cos, i wont be able to find one guy with 3 qualities!!! some ppl understimate things too often.....

oh....by the way, i havent mentioned d location of my wedding rite...??..well...it was in my dreams last nite!!! HAHAHHAHHA!!!....LOL...!!!! u fell for that didnt u!!!???!! hahaha!!!hehehe...!!!

i've always wondered wat my friends meant when they keep talking about their dream guy...yasmin told me that a dream guy is d one whom we dream about without even knowing who he is....she's been looking for her dream guy since we were in form 5 i think...hehehe( n she even dreamt that i was her maid of honour!!hahah..Yasmin, whoever u get married to n wherever u get married...I AM gonna be ur maid of honour/bridesmaid!! heheh) ...anyway, even sherline had a dream guy since we were in secondary school.....n also a lot of other friends....i was d only one who didnt have a dream guy n didnt bother thinking about it......

last nite....i dreamt of this one guy....who was all that i mentioned above...tall, dark, handsome, educated, rich, talented, well mannered, gentlemen....most of all...he loves d Lord so much...bla..bla...bla.....i dont really remember where n how we met ( in d dreams of course...) n how we ended up getting married to each other.....but i saw all our relatives, cousins, friends ( from malaysia n india...) attending my wedding....even some relatives whom i've lost contact with....n they were all so very happy for me...!! that was so sweet....!! :)

n i woke up so late this morning because of this dream...hahaha....

anyway, i was trying to recall about my dream this morning....n i remembered most of it....except for who i ended up marrying!! ahahaha.....after about an hour or so, i went out to a friends place...n i saw my dream guy!!

actually, i've known this guy for almost two years now.....n he's my friend!! n he is exactly all of the above (tall, dark, handsome, educated, rich, talented, well mannered, gentlemen....most of all...he loves d Lord so much)!! hey, i'm not exaggerating at all!! there r some men who r actually like that u know...!!

when i saw him this morning....i was like..."OMG!!! i got married to this guy last nite!!!!" hahahaha!! LOL!!!! anyway, it seemed like a *sign* to me.....but there's this one tiny little problem.....he's 3 years younger than me...!!! ahahahahaha....

so, wat do i do.....? ignore d age difference....or....ignore my dream n *sign*...??!! hahahhaa!!!

i still cant get over my dream!!!....but jokes aside....it was a really beautiful wedding......:) ;)


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