in a relationship?? ;)

so, i guess that's d biggest troublesome question i've always had a problem answering..?!! hahahha...actually, its not that i have trouble answering it cos, i'm trying to hide a relationship or anything like that....its just that ppl dont believe it when i say that i dont have a boyfriend!!

i just dont get it...i wonder if it's written all over my face that i have a bf!! do i look that dependent on a guy??!! i for one am NOT!! i dont believe in hanging on to a guy financially, mentally, or even physically...:p

i've had this problem since God knows when!! i still remember when i was studying in Disted Stamford...i met a girl who was studying there as well (doing comp sc...or something like that...).. we were travelling by the same bus n ferry n all that....cos she's from natrually we met everyday in d morning n evening....but we never spoke to each other for 3 months i think!! thats cos i have socializing problem....:s...i cant easily talk to someone new just like that..i take a very long time to get used to someone n start talking...but am getting better nowadays....hehehhe...

n that girl too didnt talk to me cos she thought i was a proud peacock!! that's another thing which ppl ALWAYS misunderstand n misjudge me for....u know...d proverb "never judge a book by its cover' it very very true!!

getting back to my flash this girl refused to talk to me even when her friends asked her to.....thinking that i was gonna be readlly rude to her....she actually thought i was this rich, spoilt brat with attitude problem.... :s....(i do have attitude at times....but only when its completely necessary...;P ) but then eventually we ended up talking...i dont remember for wat n how....but we kindda got along well....cos we were travelling together almost everyday....

after almost a year.....she finally got d courage to ask me a question which i dread d most!! her exact words were " Lakshmi, can i ask u something?? but u must be very very truthful!! " so, i said ok... n then she asked me this " do u have a bf?? tell me properly...dont lie!! i know u have a bf!!" n i was like...."is it written all over my face that i have a bf??" but that's not exactly wat i asked her though...:p i asked her y she was so confident that i do have bf...n she said that i look like a girl who has one!!!wat was that supposed to mean?? =s it the way i dress up...or is it d way i talk ..? or is it ....i dont know y else!! but i know she's not d only one who has asked me that kindda question....there;s been like hundreds of them i think!!! n more than that who dared not ask me!! cos they think that i'm proud!! hahahha....

even d girls in hostel thought i'm d kind with my nose up in d air.....u know wat...i cant help it if i 'look' like i'm proud , or that i have a bf...or that i have attitude..... that's just d way i look.....that doesnt mean anything about my real attitude....

i've even payed along with a lot of ppl who thought that i have a bf but am trying to hide it....i mean...i told them d truth...but they wouldnt believe, i ended up saying yes...n cooked up a lot of stories....which they actually bought!! hahahaha...i couldnt help it.. 'if u cant beat them, u join them' n it was pure fun!! ( only on my part though) hahahha!!!

anyway, about my status in friendster which says that i'm 'in a relationship' was just for d fun of it.....i'm as single as always...i wanted to know how many of my friends n cousins were really observant n concerned about me....well, d results turned out to be kindda disappointing.....

cos, only a handful of my friends realized n actually asked me...some were happy...some were shocked....maybe a lot other noticed but didnt bother to ask....

well, for all of u in my list who've noticed, who havent noticed, who cares, or even those who dont care.....I AM VERY MUCH SINGLE N NOT AVAILABLE...

i am single because i choose to be...(cos i know d consequences i'll ahve to face when my family get to know!! they'll disown me!!hahahah...nah...just kindding...) even if i were to have a bf...i woudlnt hide or lie about it...y should i??!! i'd be very proud of my bf...cos, i'm definitely not gonna end up with some loser guy or something like that.....


it's not fair to judge someone just like hurts...but it doesnt bother me...cos, it doesnt mean that i'm all of wat ppl think of me...i am who i am...i dont care about wat ppl think of me...cos, it's their opinion...i cant do anything about it....n i cannot n will not change myself just because someone is not satisfied with who i am.....

never judge a book by its cover....that proverb is written just for me!! hahahha

gud nit ppl...n sweet dreams...especially to those who have had sleepless nites thinking that i was in a relationship...heheheh ;)


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